Idle Slayer Wiki

How do I unlock the Ascension System?

You need to complete the first two quests from the Rookie Quests, buy those two unlocked upgrades and slay a few enemies to gain a Slayer Point.

How do I unlock new quests?

You can buy Quests Bundles from the Upgrades tab: 1st Bundle: Rookie Quests (10B) 2nd Bundle: Novice Quests (1T) - New Horizons quest reward. 3rd Bundle: Beginner Quests (10Sx) You will find more later!

When should I ascend for the first time?

When you can afford at least Permanent Slayer, Soul Gatherer Bundle and Permanent Quests all at once. You can save some Slayer Points to buy some other upgrade of your choice like for example True Idle Slayer or Soul Reaper.

Are Portals useful?

You'll want to buy Portals once you get Quests asking you to slay enemies from different zones. Also zones have different enemies with different coins/souls ratios.

When do Random Boxes spawn?

Random Boxes spawn by time, but they don't spawn if you are boosting or the menu is opened (This only applies to the mobile version). However the timer will keep going down and as soon as it reaches 0 (and you close the menu and stop boosting) it will trigger the spawn.

What upgrades are additive?

  • % CpS bonus
  • Kills every x seconds while game closed
  • % Souls bonus
  • CpS Bonus While Game is Closed
  • Enemy In-game Slay Reward
  • Increase Coin Value by % CpS

Have you thought about skins and cosmetics?

Yes, but for now I'm not investing on that just to have more developing freedom. Imagine that if there are 3 skins for the slayer, and I release a new feature where the guy has to do a special animation, I would have to update every single spritesheet to make it work.

Is there any way to respec the Skill Tree?

No, but it could in the future.

What is the formula for the souls needed for every Slayer Point?

The formula for the SP is 12 + lifetimeSP * 4

Do I stay in the same zone after ascending?

